Northern Road Upgrade Stage 3
Veris were contracted to perform survey works for part of the Northern Road Upgrade Project, being undertaken by the Australian Federal and New South Wales State Governments as part of the ten year Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan (WSIP).
The Northern Road Upgrade project consists of approximately 35 kilometres of road between The Old Northern Road, Narellan and Jamison Road, South Penrith from a generally two to four lane undivided road to a six to eight lane divided road creating a main transport corridor for the South West and Western Sydney Priority Growth Areas.
Stage 3 of the Upgrade project consisted of four kilometres of Glenmore Parkway to Jamison Road. Veris will be responsible for surveying works, but this complex project also included utility investigations, excavation, earthworks, office installations and fencing.
Key features of The Northern Road Upgrade include:
- Widening the Northern Road to four lanes in each direction (including a bus lane)
- Building a new bridge over the M4 Motorway
- Installing new traffic lights and turning lanes
- Continuous bus lanes in each direction
- A central median installed
- New shared pedestrian and cyclist path and footpaths
- New street lighting, drainage, safety barriers and landscaping
- New retaining walls
- Two new noise barriers*
*Source - Roads and Maritime Services, NSW